Petits pélagiques

Anchovy and sardines: first quarter 2017

Namibian and South African sardine landings declined in 2016, while catches of horse mackerel increased to some extent (North Atlantic Seafood Forum).

Peruvian authorities increased the TAC for anchovy during the first season in 2017 by 55.6 percent, to 2.8 million tonnes. The fishery started very well. During the first 20 days of the season, 33 percent of the quota had been landed. Most of this catch goes for reduction (Undercurrent News).

In June, the Peruvian ministry of production authorized a second anchovy season in the south of the country, with a TAC amounting to 515 000 tonnes.

For the third consecutive year, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) has closed the Pacific sardine fishery. In April, PFMC announced that the fishery would be closed through 30 June 2018. Scientists had predicted an abundance of sardines, but reality fell far short of their predictions. The PFMC initiative aims at rebuilding the sardine resource, and according to PFMC there are signs that the resource is recovering (IntraFish).

The US market for canned sardines appears to be picking up. Imports rose by almost 15 percent during the first three months this year, to 11 000 tonnes. The main suppliers were Poland, Ecuador and Morocco.